Join us for a streaming of the concert of the laureates of the 15th International Piano Competition.
We present the list of laureates of the 15th Narva International Piano Competition.
Join us for the auditions and streaming of the III round hearings of age group III.
We present the list of pianists, from age groups I and II, who have qualified for the III round of the Competition.
Join us for the auditions and streaming of the II round hearings of age group II.
We present the list of pianists, from age group III, who have qualified for the III round of the Competition.
Join us for the auditions and streaming of the II round hearings of age groups I and III.
We present the list of pianists, from age categorie II, who qualified for round two of the Competition.
We invite you to the streaming of the second day of the auditions of the 15th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition.
We present the list of pianists, from age categories I and III, who qualified for round two of the Competition.
The 15th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition in Narva begins today. We invite you to follow the streaming of the auditions, starting at 9.00 CET (10.00 EET).
We encourage you to checked out the audition programme for each of the participants in the Competition from Age Group III for I round.
We encourage you to checked out the audition programme for each of the participants in the Competition from Age Group II for I round.
We encourage you to read the audition programme for each of the participants in the Competition from Age Group I for I round.